

Take heart and lean in

RCL reflection, Proper 28, Year B. Nov. 17, 2024. Yes, times are uncertain. Suffering and pain are real. The path forward appears fraught with danger and destruction. In spite of all of this, whether self-inflicted or inflicted upon us, we have Jesus. This is very good news! (Photo: Creative Commons.)

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‘Simple Gifts’ stewardship devotion series

Perfect for an Advent study or to compliment a stewardship emphasis, this free download from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod features 24 bible-based devotions. Inspiring, thought-provoking. (Photo: Creative Commons)

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Plan for a year-end giving bump at your church

Some 30 percent church offerings come in the last weeks of the year. That’s why you should have a year-end campaign. This post by the United Methodist Foundation explains why and how. (Photo: Creative Commons)

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Who’s giving to churches? When? How much?

The more church leaders knows about giving trends, the better they can plan approaches for fundraising, budgeting and operating. Carey Nieuwhof has rounded up all the statistics you need. (Photo: Creative Commons)

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