

Divorce, children, relationships and dignity

RCL reflection for Proper 22, Year B. October 6, 2024. This Sunday’s Gospel reading is especially challenging, as it deals with a difficult issue. Divorce is a reality in our culture, so it’s important that we pay attention to Jesus’ teaching. The Rev. Elisabeth Shelton Hartwell explores.

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Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response

Here’s a comprehensive resource for you or your study group. The 81-page pdf guide from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a deep look at stewardship from faithful and practical standpoints. (Photo: Creative Commons)

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October Toolkit: Celebrate the miracle of harvest

We often take for granted our harvest time and abundant food, but they are true miracles from God. That’s the theme of this month’s free stewardship toolkit newsletter. With weekly Stewardship Snippets. (Photo: Tiffany Whitehead, Creative Commons)

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Knowing the stages of a capital campaign

A capital campaign is a tried-and-true way to grow your mission and impact. But a DIY capital campaign takes some careful planning and execution. OneCause outlines the steps you can anticipate. (Photo: Creative Commons)

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