Through disinformation, lobbying and shady “advocacy,” green energy opponents are seeking to halt wind, solar and other renewable energy projects. The Sierra Club magazine reports. (Photo: PublicDomainPictures)
Energy Star energy guide for congregations
Save energy, save money, save the planet! Now that’s a triple scoop of eco-goodness! Lutherans Restoring Creation teamed up with the US Department of Energy to craft this guide, filled with ideas, inspirations and links for deeper diving.
Bitcoin’s real-world costs to the environment
Bitcoin mines cash in on electricity — by devouring it, selling it, even turning it off — and they cause immense pollution. In many cases, the public pays a price. The New York Times reports. (Photo: Marco Verch, Creative Commons)
‘Passive house’ in Maine stays warm for pennies
Using thick insulation, solar panels, a small heat pump and careful construction with quality materials, a “Passive house” in Maine keeps its owners warm with lower cost and energy usage than a typical house. Maine Public Radio reports. (Photo: Nikita Khandelwal via Pexels)
This church saved energy and money through efficiency
A church in Connecticut cut its energy costs by 24 percent through an ambitious efficiency program. Yes, it cost money, but the savings paid for the program in just four years. (Photo: Miguel Tejada-Flores , Creative Commons)
How to cut down on energy use for air conditioning
For many of us, air conditioning is a downright necessity — and a costly one that uses energy and contributes to climate change. But with some simple steps you can reduce your energy use. The Refrigeration School
Old-fashioned clotheslines save money, help the earth
Some 90 percent of American homes have clothes dryers that use an enormous amount of energy. A clothesline can save money – and save tons of greenhouse gases from going into the air. Green Living Tips explains. (Photo: Omar Ramadan, Pexels)
Cut fossil fuel use and save your church money
Saving our planet means we have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and that means cutting our fossil fuel us. Your church can lead the way. EnergyStar, a program of the federal Department of Energy can show your congregation how.
A room-by-room guide to home energy savings
There are dozens of things you can do to reduce energy use AND lower your utility bills. The folks at Lutherans Restoring Creation have put together this handy checklist of tips to save energy throughout the house. (Photo: Anton Fromkin, Creative Commons)
Your congregation can become an ‘Energy Star”
The Environmental Protection Agency has updated its free 78-page “Energy Star Action Workbook for Congregations” that is chock full of ideas for environmental stewardship. You can save energy and money, and in the process provide valuable learning experiences for your congregants. (Photo: Sun Dazed, Creative Commons)