So, you’ve wanted to have a creation care ministry but don’t know how to get started? This toolkit from the United Methodist Church will help you get there, with scripture passages, sermon suggestions, great quotations and more. (USDA Photo)

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So, you’ve wanted to have a creation care ministry but don’t know how to get started? This toolkit from the United Methodist Church will help you get there, with scripture passages, sermon suggestions, great quotations and more. (USDA Photo)
From cleaners to paints to batteries, your house has lots of materials that are hazardous or harmful to health. But with just a little effort you can both minimize hazardous materials in your home and safely handle what you have. From the EPA. (Photo: Romana Klee, Creative Commons)
Multiple environmental crises present existential threats to our planet. Educate and motivate God’s people by designating an “Earth Sunday” or “Creation Sunday.” With Earth Day, April 22, falling on a Thursday, either Sunday of April 18 or 25 (or both!) would be perfect. Here are resources!
Check out these suggestions for integrating creation care and environmental concerns into your congregation’s Lenten spiritual practices. Lutherans Restoring Creation provides this resource with plenty of links, suggested reading, and good ideas. (Image: Creation Care Summit, Portland Seminary, Creative Commons License)
Every hour, 1600 acres of dry land becomes a desert. We need to remember that environmental stewardship is an urgent calling, not just embracing and/or teaching sustainable practices. If the Church were to fully recognize environmental stewardship as co-participation in God’s love for the world, imagine the impact that would have on the planet! (Photo: […]
Many of us suffer from “plant blindness,” according to botanists Elisabeth Schussler and James Wandersee. By being “blind” to the plant life around us, we can miss the importance of plants to the overall biosphere and human existence. How might one counter such “blindness”? Learn about plants! Read on to get started. (Photo: Lance Cheung, USDA, Creative Commons)
Operation Noah offers a list of actions, ranging from beginner to advanced, to educate and equip congregants to become more engaged with environmental stewardship issues, including climate change. Visit Operation Noah’s website and download a PDF for use in your context! (Photo: Michael Livsey, Creative Commons)
Care for the God’s good creation may be the top issue facing civilization today. As climate change threatens to make our planet unhabitable and we are consuming our natural resources at a frighteningly fast pace; Christians are wise to remember what Scripture says about our place in God’s creation and our special responsibility to Earth […]
Here are 17 ideas excerpted from the Rev. Dr. Leah Schade’s book Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology and the Pulpit (Chalice Press, 2015) for helping you become an ecopreacher in 2017. (Photo: aussiegall, Creative Commons)
Here is a real gem! This 50-page resource includes a leader guide and participant materials for use in a faith-based small group context: adult or older youth Sunday school, Christian Education classes, women’s circles, men’s groups, congregational “Green Team,” or in a retreat setting. (Also can be ordered for $5 from the ELCA Resource Catalog.)