There’s another way besides a line-item budget to present your congregation’s proposed annual spending plan. A Narrative Budget tells the story of how your church practices good stewardship of the gifts entrusted to it. It provides a vision of where the church hopes to be in the coming budget cycle. It reflects how the congregation spends its time, talent, and treasure rather than paying the bills.Check out this free 12-page resource. (Photo: Rob Nguyen, Creative Commons)
Is it Robbing God to Tithe on Your Net Income?
It’s the question you frequently hear about tithing — do you base it on gross income? Or after-tax income? This feature presents different viewpoints from three writers — Frederica Mathewes-Green, David A. Croteau and Steve Stewart. Which viewpoint resonates with your own view? (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
Crowdfunding for Congregations and Nonprofits
Because the church has always funded its ministry through small gifts from a large number of people, crowdfunding is not too much of a stretch for congregations. Crowdfunding has gained a respectable status among the many ways to fund new ventures, whether business-related or charitable. Crowdfunding presents a clear opportunity for church-related giving to expand its focus, audience, vision, and reach. (Read more in this free download!) (Photo: James Cridland, Creative Commons)
50 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving
Wow! Here are some solid ideas for cultivating stewardship at your congregation! Use them as a discussion starter, or to map out a strategy for year-round stewardship: Which could your church implement in the next year? From the United Methodist Foundation for the Memphis and Tennessee Conferencees.
Avoiding Stewardship Potholes
Potholes can do some serious damage to cars, and potholes in your congregation’s stewardship program can also wreak havoc. Author Timothy Siburg, writing for Ministry Matters, identifies eight stewardship potholes that leaders need to be on the lookout for. Any one of the eight has the potential to derail your efforts. Click the title to be redirected to the article. (Photo: D Dohler, Creative Commons)
Money Talk
Do you hear people complain that the church talks about money too much? It’s just not true. In fact, the church does not talk about money enough — not nearly as much as Jesus did, says this Episcopalian blogger. (Photo: Andrew Magill, Creative Commons)
The Stubborn 2% Giving Rate
Is American giving on cruise control? While overall giving has mushroomed since the 1970s, it has been driven primarily by growing incomes, not by donors deciding to give a larger share of income. As a share of GDP, charitable giving has rarely strayed far from 2 percent over the past four decades—despite the huge growth in the number of charities and fundraisers and periodic crusades to encourage greater giving. (Photo by margonaut, used by Creative Commons license)
7 Truths About Stewardship Programs
No. 1: “The first place to look for money is in the heart, not the wallet.” This resource explains why, and then goes on to explain SIX more truths! It’s a great, handy resource from the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. (Photo by Varkle69, used by creative Commons license – Thanks!)
Stewardship Starter Kit
Here’s a pretty sweet assortment of materials to get a congregation going in a stewardship program – from pledge cards to brochures. The Evangelical Covenant Church has put this together for its congregations, but this starter kit could provide wonderful inspiration and helpful guidance for any church to develop its own program.
The Hows and Whys of Money Leadership
Here’s a free, seven-part curriculum for leaders who want to plumb the depths of their congregation’s financial soul.