RCL reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B. April 14, 2024. This Sunday’s readings provide a great opportunity to explore how we as followers and faith communities can see and talk about how transforms us for the better. Rob Blezard explores.
The power of witness
RCL Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 18, 2021
Just what does it mean to bear witness in a world in which so much runs counter to the teachings of Jesus? Each of this week’s lessons provides its own unique entry point for preaching and teaching. Our job as hearers of the word is to open our hearts and minds, or better yet to allow the Christ to open our hearts and minds to myriad possibilities.
A Mind-Opening Experience
RCL Reflection, 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 15, 2018
When was the last time you had your mind opened up and blown away by the gospel? Let this week’s lessons lead you to deeper encounters with Jesus in scripture, worship, and world. Gather at the table. Create community. Be amazed at how God will work in, through, and with (and maybe even in spite of) you. (Photo: Stan Dominguez, Creative Commons)
A Fish Tale and a Love Story
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B
April 19, 2015
We may not have been sharing a meal of fish over a charcoal fire on the lakeside beach with the first disciples, but we share Christ’s very self and consume Christ’s amazing love whenever we gather at his table. This week’s lessons tell a love story that never ends, that we are written right into and that is written (quite literally) into our very hearts.(Photo: Marcelino Renayla, Jr, Creative Commons)