Capital campaigns can be confusing, especially for congregations that have never had one. Vanco Payments has compiled this FAQ to help leaders understand exactly what goes into a capital campaign. (Photo: Stephen Yeargin, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Capital campaigns can be confusing, especially for congregations that have never had one. Vanco Payments has compiled this FAQ to help leaders understand exactly what goes into a capital campaign. (Photo: Stephen Yeargin, Creative Commons)
Airline pilots always go through their checklist before takeoff to make sure all systems are go. Here is a preflight checklist for your capital campaign to help give your project the best chances of success. From Kristine Miller of Horizons Stewardship. (Photo by Gynane via BigStockPhoto)
It’s not your grandfather’s world anymore, so why should your church expect your grandfather’s capital campaign to work? From ChurchExecuive here is a snappy rundown of seven trends that impact congregational capital campaigns. (Photo by Stephen Yeargin, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)