It’s always a good time to get serious about stewardship, but spring is a best to start planning for fall. This free guide from Luther Seminary can help orient and equip your team to guide your congregation to better financial stewardship.

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It’s always a good time to get serious about stewardship, but spring is a best to start planning for fall. This free guide from Luther Seminary can help orient and equip your team to guide your congregation to better financial stewardship.
What does it take to move your congregation into God’s amazing abundance and generosity? In this two-part essay, ELCA Pastor and stewardship leader Larry Strenge suggests three mindsets that we can cultivate to help our congregations go. Great ideas from Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders. (Oregon DOT, Creative Commons)
To get an idea of where God’s people are financially, Alyssa Quart’s well-researched book can provide insight. In his review of “Squeezed: Why Our Families Can’t Afford America,” Adam Copeland of Luther Seminary says this is a must-read for church stewardship leaders to understand the stark realities facing many of God’s people. (Photo: Stuart Pilbrow, […]
If you’re hesitant to talk about money in the pulpit, you’re definitely not alone. It’s a big taboo in a lot of congregations, and many preachers avoid it like the plague. In this insightful article David Lose, the noted author, speaker and scholar, describes the lessons that transformed him into a fan of talking about financial […]
Because the church has always funded its ministry through small gifts from a large number of people, crowdfunding is not too much of a stretch for congregations. Crowdfunding has gained a respectable status among the many ways to fund new ventures, whether business-related or charitable. Crowdfunding presents a clear opportunity for church-related giving to expand its focus, audience, vision, and reach. (Read more in this free download!) (Photo: James Cridland, Creative Commons)
Check out this article from Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders weekly newsletter! Pastor Paul Ziese talks about how his congregation made the switch and experienced strong results. (Photo: William Warby, Creative Commons)
This article, written by Pastor Todd Nelson, is one of many valuable weekly newsletter offerings from the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. Be sure to visit their website for this and other resources, as well as recordings from past Renewing Stewardship events.