Matthew’s story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ child in Bethlehem remains both beloved and mysterious to Christians. This lesson plan from Youth Catholic provides insight into how to bring out all its important teachings. (Photo: Frank Cone via Pexels)
Teach the story of Epiphany with puppets
Here is a way to bring freshness to the ancient story of the Magi’s visit to the infant Jesus. explores how to use puppets. Download their free lesson plan. (Photo: toughcookiemommy, Creative Commons)
Three teaching points about the season of Epiphany
Often lost in the amplified frenzy of Advent and Christmas is the meaning and importance of Epiphany. Use the opportunity of the post-Christmas lull to teach about this important (and often overlooked) season. From (Photo: Jussi D. Brito, Creative Commons)
Look. Listen. Tell.
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Epiphany Year A
January 19, 2014
The season of Epiphany and the lessons for this week offer us an opportunity to see the big picture, to hear the Word, and to understand how and why we are sent into the world to be God’s people in the name of Christ. Read on for ideas for preaching and teaching, worship, and time with children and youth. (Photo: Edith Soto, Creative Commons)
Where’s Jesus?
Lectionary Reflection for the Epiphany of our Lord, January 6, 2013
Where do you see Jesus in the world around you? One of our challenges is to help people learn to look for, to see, and to experience the divine presence in their daily lives and in everyday epiphanies (Photo by Friar’s Balsam. Thanks!)