Here’s a brief video that will make you laugh, but also make you think! It includes interviews with folks from the Episcopal Church. How would YOU answer their questions? (Photo by Bev8200, used by Creative Commons license)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Here’s a brief video that will make you laugh, but also make you think! It includes interviews with folks from the Episcopal Church. How would YOU answer their questions? (Photo by Bev8200, used by Creative Commons license)
Perfect for your fall campaign — here’s a six-week stewardship reflection series on the Lectionary Gospel lessons, beginning Oct. 5. Feasting on Gratitude invites readers to reflect and discuss stewardship principles and practices. Designed to complement and support a congregation’s annual giving campaign, Written for Lectionary Year A in 2011, the series is timely again in 2014. (Photo by JustCookNYC, used by Creative Commons license)
Living Wi$ely is a personal finance and budget counseling ministry that helps participants explore basic concepts of 1) creating and living within a budget; 2) saving, giving and getting out of debt; 3) biblical principles and spiritual issue of money. It is designed to be offered weekly for four weeks. The free online materials include the Financial Workshop Manual and a PowerPoint presentation for each of the four sessions. (Photo (c) Ariel Grimm, ShareAlike License)
Across the Episcopal Church, a number of small congregations are finding strength and growth. Close examination revealed they have some common characteristics: They are ‘spiritually vital and alive,”‘ they have a “strong mission and purpose,” they are ‘moral beacons in their local communities,” and they are “willing to change to meet new challenges.” The free 100-page booklet reveals their successes and strategies — and provides extensive resources for further study. (Photo by Navdeep Raj, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Lucky you! For the Episcopal Church has assembled some dandy resources to help you get your ministry off the ground and flying high! Everything from building a committee to financial commitment programs that work. (Photo by Konephoto, via