RCL Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B, May 2, 2021
From these three lessons we learn that abiding in Christ helps us learn to love, and that teaching helps us enact good change—in the church, in our own lives, and in the world. Let’s look at it as a formula for faith: Abide + Love = Good Change. If we give the Holy Spirit a little wiggle room in our lives, we just might be amazed.
Get Up and Go…
RCL Reflection, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 29, 2018
The good news of Jesus is passed on through our willingness to make time to talk and listen. We may not chase chariots like Philip, but there are plenty of people waiting for us to engage them with the gospel. (Photo: Katrina Montivagrant, Creative Commons)
Abiding in Love
Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B
May 3, 2015
It’s all about the love. Not a saccharine-sweet pop song love, but the radical death-defying love of Jesus the savior of this world. It’s about a love so amazing and so limitless that it continues to pour forth in bread and wine, Word and water, and Spirit-wind. (Photo: Lisa L. Wiedmeier, Creative Commons)
Cultivating Generous Disciples
Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 6, 2012
How does your stewardship garden grow? Are you cultivating generous disciples? This week’s lessons offer fertile soil to talk about fruitful and faithful communities deeply rooted in the way of Jesus. (Photo by Amanda B. Slater used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)