Church leaders always want their congregations to end the year on a good stewardship note, but they may unwittingly sabotage their success. From Logan Leadership, here are some “dos” and “don’ts” to guide you. (Photo: Olia Danilevich, Pexels)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Church leaders always want their congregations to end the year on a good stewardship note, but they may unwittingly sabotage their success. From Logan Leadership, here are some “dos” and “don’ts” to guide you. (Photo: Olia Danilevich, Pexels)
The way most church leaders approach budgeting may not yield the best results for congregation because it focuses on income and expenditures, NOT on goals and ministry priorities. What’s a congregational leader to do? This article from Logan Leadership has some suggestions. (Photo: Werner_Hahn, Creative Commons)