RCL Reflection for the Resurrection of the Lord, Year B, April 4, 2021
Easter, with all of its uncertainty, terror, and amazement, once again invites us to go into the world proclaiming the good news for all people. Easter invites us to go deeper and risk disorder so that we may emerge with Christ followers across the ages into a reorder that is all about healing the world and accepting our status as beloved children of God.
Of Fear and Foolishness
RCL Reflection, Easter Sunday, Year B, April 1, 2018
Even though this Easter falls on April Fool’s Day, the joke’s not on us. The joke’s on death and the powers of darkness. Ditch your fear, holy fools, and let the living, loving, and telling begin. Christ has died. Christ is risen! Christ will come again! (Photo: Trishhhh, Creative Commons)
Good News that Never Ends
Resurrection of our Lord, Year B, April 5, 2015
The Gospel of Mark’s original ending is raw, intense, and real. What might happen if we admit and honor our own 21st century fear, amazement, confusion, and silence in the face of this Good News? (Photo: Keoni Cabral, Creative Commons)