The vast majority of multisite churches are growing, according to a new study, and they are seeing more involvement from lay people and newcomers after they open an additional location. Interesting report from Religion News Service. (Photo (c) Dion Hinchcliffe, used by Creative Commons License)
What Resolutions Would Jesus Make?
Now there’s nothing wrong with setting goals that will lead to positive changes in our lives, but I’ve noticed how self-centered my resolutions over the years tended to be. I resolve mostly to do things that will enrich MY life, firm up MY finances, improve MY health and promote MY happiness. Narcissistic resolutions are perfect for people of our me-first age, but methinks not so much for followers Jesus. (Photo by Erephas, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Characteristics of an Effective Purpose Statement
What’s your church all about? Most churches have the same basic goals, but which they emphasize and how they achieve them varies. Does your church have a statement that expresses its purpose in words that are succinct and inspirational? Saddleback Church’s Rick Warren offers some good advice. (Photo by Sultry, used by Creative Commons license. […]
10 ways to use QR codes in your church
Those funky square symbols are called “QR” (Quick Response) codes that can help your church develop a better presence in the digital age, especially with younger, tech-savvy Christians. This article from outlines some of the uses.
Where to Touch the Elephant
You remember the old story about the blind men who, each touching a different part of an elephant, draw different, incorrect conclusions about the nature of an elephant. The point is, the complexity of the elephant precludes anyone comprehending the whole. How can this observation apply to congregations? Church systems expert Peter Steinke explains. (Photo […]
Hope and Action: A Small-Church Growth Strategies Handbook
Across the Episcopal Church, a number of small congregations are finding strength and growth. Close examination revealed they have some common characteristics: They are ‘spiritually vital and alive,”‘ they have a “strong mission and purpose,” they are ‘moral beacons in their local communities,” and they are “willing to change to meet new challenges.” The free 100-page booklet reveals their successes and strategies — and provides extensive resources for further study. (Photo by Navdeep Raj, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)