Stewardship is about money, but it’s not only about money. This essay from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Wash., helps put money in its proper place in an overall theology of abundance. (Photo: epSos .de, Creative Commons)
Experiencing abundance in my relationship with money
We learn as we grow, but that can be especially true in our faith journey with money. Stewardship educator Grace Pomroy explains how her financial history led her to see God’s abundance. (Photo: Kevin M. Klerks, Creative Commons)
The Abundant Life
Lectionary Reflection for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, November 8, 2015
This week’s readings bring us glimpses of two widows: two women on the margins who nonetheless manage to see abundance rather than scarcity. To first century audiences, their situations would have appeared hopeless and their choices absurd—give away all your money or share your last bit of food with a stranger. How will our congregants hear these stories today? (Photo: olearys, Creative Commons)
Jesus and the Stewardship of Self
Narrative Lectionary Reflection (Year One) for February 8, 2015
This week’s gospel lesson gives us stewardship models straight from our Lord. To serve others well and to appreciate and share God’s abundance, we must also take care of ourselves. This is, of course, easier said than done. (Photo: Jonathan Fox, Creative Commons)
A Crumby Gospel
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, August 17, 2014
Chances are that this week folks in your faith community will be reeling and/or numb from world events. Add to that the usual list of prayer needs and human brokenness and pain. So hand out this crumby gospel, these crumbs of abundant love, grace, and salvation, and don’t be stingy.(Photo: Simon James, Creative Commons)
Bible Study: Abundance & Generosity
Give your congregation a thorough grounding on what the Bible says about generosity and abundance. This free, eight-page Bible study from the United Church of Christ highlights verses from the Old and New Testaments. Suitable for one or more sessions.
Christmas: Stewardship, Abundance and Poverty
There’s no season quite so full of wild abundance as the Christmas season. It’s a joyful, exuberant time, full of music, family, parties, good food, and friends. But every Christian steward knows that there’s a shadow side to abundance, particularly material abundance, which brings with it challenges. Amid the joy of Christmas, a good steward ponders these challenges. (Photo by Mike Fleming, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
The Things That Are God’s
Lectionary Reflection: October 13, 2008
One of the critical steps in moving from the illusion of control to a life of biblical stewardship is in letting go of the notion of possession.