Perfect for an Advent study or to compliment a stewardship emphasis, this free download from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod features 24 bible-based devotions. Inspiring, thought-provoking. (Photo: Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Perfect for an Advent study or to compliment a stewardship emphasis, this free download from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod features 24 bible-based devotions. Inspiring, thought-provoking. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Make the five Sundays from Sept. 6 to Oct. 4 a “Season of Creation” with weekly devotionals you can share with your congregants. Four Mainline denominations collaborated on the free devotional that follows the Revised Common Lectionary and supplements with suggested hymns. (Photo: Roxanne Ready, Creative Commons)