Perfect for an Advent study or to compliment a stewardship emphasis, this free download from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod features 24 bible-based devotions. Inspiring, thought-provoking. (Photo: Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Perfect for an Advent study or to compliment a stewardship emphasis, this free download from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod features 24 bible-based devotions. Inspiring, thought-provoking. (Photo: Creative Commons)
It’s always the right time to educate congregants about whole-life stewardship, and to refresh those who have worked in the field for some time. To help, our friends at Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod offer “Stewardship Basics,” a free, comprehensive, in-depth eight-part Bible study.
Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:24-34 about the birds of the air and the lilies of the field is the basis for this Bible study that looks at the corrosive influence of wealth on our lives. Good for group study or your personal reflection. Insight from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. (Photo:
How much of your time can you invest to grow in deeper discipleship? The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod suggests “1 percent” — 14 minutes a day – as a starting point. Explore and share this bulletin insert. How can you live into it? (Photo: Mat Brown,
Messages are woven throughout the Bible about stewardship and how we are responsible for the proper use and management of everything God has entrusted to us. This study guide from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, explores.
We don’t make God richer when we tithe. Rather, it’s we who become richer because our generous giving in the name of God frees us from the negative influence that money has on our lives. This Bible study from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod helps you explore. (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
Put this free e-book on your summer reading list! Written in 1950, this master work beautifully lays out stewardship and the role of stewardship leaders in the congregation. From the LCMS Stewardship Ministry. (Photo: Deb Nystrom, Creative Commons)
It’s hard to be spiritually healthy when your physical health needs work, and that’s why a parish nurse or health advocate program is a good idea for every congregation. It’s especially important as obesity rates rise and our health-care system is on such uncertain footing. This free 17-page comprehensive guide from the Lutheran Church – […]
For folks who an in-depth understanding of stewardship and how it relates to theology and church life, here’s a wonderful free series of six lessons that provide everything you need! Each lesson begins with a 15-minute video talk from Dr. Joel Biermann of Concordia Seminary and has a study guide to let you take it […]
Look no further for a good selection of materials to lead a class, workshop or Bible study on stewardship. From the Faith Aflame resources offered by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, these guides cover everything from “What is Stewardship” to a four-part series on “Stewardship Fundamentals.” (Photo by Alvanman, used by Creative Commons license)