The biblical call to stewardship will lead us to foster quality of life. The quality of life that is measured only by material goods and economic factors is incomplete. This essay and workshop guide explores.

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The biblical call to stewardship will lead us to foster quality of life. The quality of life that is measured only by material goods and economic factors is incomplete. This essay and workshop guide explores.
Get ready for Faith Climate Action Week, April 17th- 23rd! The theme of the 2017 Faith Climate Action Week is “Act on Climate” and will focus on how we can protect our climate and energy policies. Check out the Faith Climate Action Week website, brought to you by Interfaith Power & Light, for sample sermons, worship resources, and other […]
You don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to encourage “thanks-living.” Here’s a list of 10 short videos about random acts of kindness and gratitude. Use these films as discussion starters with your youth groups, faith formation classes, or other venues in your faith community. (Photo: marco antonio torres, Creative Commons)
Lectionary Reflection for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 28, 2016
This week’s lessons provide several lovely opportunities to explore continued growth and development as members of the Body of Christ, that beloved community chock full of sinners and saints known as the church. Dig back into discipleship and faith formation with these themes and instructions. (Photo: Maarten Takens, Creative Commons)
With school and faith formation on the horizon, here’s a resource trove for educating children and youth about climate change and creation care from Operation NOAH, an ecumenical Christian charity in the UK. You’re sure to find something useful here! (Photo: rambojan iphoneography, Creative Commons)
Blessed Earth offers a great list of resources for lessons, activities, and books to teach children about creation care. You’re sure to find something useful! (Photo: d-olwen-dee, creative commons)
Here’s a complete introduction to stewardship for children with lesson, talent card, commitment form, activities, and suggestions for parents. The curriculum is a free downloadable PDF from the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. (Photo: AngryJulieMonday, Creative Commons)
Asbury Theological Seminary’s community garden is doing much more than feeding students. It’s become an important educational tool that includes a prayer garden, fire pit, preaching amphitheater, and nature path. (Photo:
From Cool Harvest, a program of Interfaith Power and Light, comes a handy downloadable PDF booklet entitled “Thanking God with Integrity: Volume II Table Grace in a World Struggling with Climate Change.” No matter your stance on this issue, you’ll find this booklet well worth reading and sharing. (Photo: Shannon Patrick 17, Creative Commons)
Register now for Luther Seminary’s Rethinking Stewardship 2014 Conference, July 28-30, on the campus of Luther Seminary. The focus for this year’s event is year-round stewardship, and you’ll leave with plenty of practical ideas to put to use in your congregation. Check the link for more information and to register.