RCL Reflection, All Saints Sunday & 25th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 26, Year B, Nov. 4, 2018
All Saints Day provides a powerful witness to the truth that love wins; death is not victorious. In great love, God sent the Son, and in with a love stronger than death Jesus defied all darkness and the powers of evil, breaking out of the tomb, resurrected to new and eternal life. It is indeed a feast of love, a memory of what was, a moment of time and logic suspended, and the hope of what is yet to come. (Photo: Emma Jane Hogbin Westby, Creative Commons)
The Finest of Feasts
All Saints Sunday, Year B, November 1, 2015
Come to the feast, child of God. Feast on bread and wine. Feast on the knowledge that Jesus Christ has overcome death, has risen from the dead, and calls us all to resurrection both now and in eternity. (Photo: Randy OHC, Creative Commons)
For All the Saints: Of Tears and Glory
Lectionary Reflection for All Saints Sunday
November 4, 2012
All Saints Sunday is a day of celebration and remembering, a time of reflection and thanksgiving. This is the day where tears and belief comingle to yield hope in the grace and glory of God. (Photo by Paul J. Everett)