RCL Reflection, 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 23, Year B, Oct. 14, 2018
This week’s gospel points to the truth that following Jesus is not for the faint of heart—just ask Peter, who is bemoaning the fact that he and the other disciples have left everything to follow Jesus. Will it still be impossible for them to enter God’s kingdom after all they have laid aside? What about modern disciples? (Photo: opensourceway, Creative Commons)
Who Can Be Saved?
Lectionary Reflection for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B October 11, 2015 And the disciples were perplexed at these words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God.” They were greatly astounded and said to one another, “Then who can be saved?” Mark 10:24-26 The […]
What do you Lack?
20th Sunday after Pentecost, October 14, 2012
Lectionary Reflection
What possessions, what “stuff,” and what intangibles are keeping you from following Jesus’ instructions for discipleship? This is another hard teaching, but it is one that comes with a promise.