RCL Reflection for Palm/Passion Sunday Year B, March 28, 2021
Jesus predicted that all of his closest disciples would desert him when confronted with the humiliation and reality of his violent death. And they did, even Peter who protested greatly. We, too, desert Jesus when we fail to both see our own violent legacy and to work to for change and the good of all people. (Image: John August Swanson, “Entry into the City,” Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Participants wanted: Palm/Passion Sunday
RCL Reflection, Palm/Passion Sunday, Year C, April 14, 2019
Help this yearly Palm/Passion Sunday liturgical “tradition” take on fresh meaning and power. Maybe shake things up to encourage worshipers to see themselves as participants in the ongoing Christ story, as opposed to bystanders. This week we offer ideas to help people notice the movement of the story with its distinct scenes and settings. (Photo: Richard Gillin, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
Lavish Love and Costly Stewardship
RCL Reflection, Palm/Passion Sunday Year B, March 25, 2018
The liturgy for this Sunday does not leave much room for a lengthy sermon, so why not consider a short exploration on the unnamed woman’s act of pouring out costly ointment on Jesus’ head was a lavish act of love and radical stewardship. How do we today show our love for Jesus. (Photo: Bible Museum, Creative Commons License)
The Jesus Parade
RCL Reflection for Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A, April 9, 2017
There is a story between the Palm Sunday and Easter “parades” that we do well not to miss. The work and witness of Holy Week beckons. Without fully experiencing Holy Week, we lose something valuable–a behind the scenes look at the real cost of our salvation and the dirty work it took to accomplish it. It is, indeed, an act of stewardship to devote our time and attention to this week. (Photo: Doug Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire, Creative Commons)
To Serve and Love: Following the Way of Christ
Palm/Passion Sunday, Year C, March 20, 2016
When we, as followers of Christ, set out to serve one another and all whom we encounter in this beautiful yet broken world, we are going to get dirty. I can guarantee you that much. Our hands will be soiled, our hearts will be stained, and our dreams will be sullied. (Photo: Paukrus, Creative Commons)
Like a Broken Vessel
Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A
April 13, 2014
Along with suggestions for your Palm/Passion Sunday worship and ideas for youth and children, we bring a special message for all of you who serve and lead God’s people in worship. Thank you for all you do! (Photo: Ian Stannard, Creative Commons)
Palm/Passion Sunday: Living the Story
Palm/Passion Sunday Lectionary Reflection, March 24, 2013
This Sunday’s worship may be the only bridge some folks have to Easter. What can we do to help folks live this story all week long?