Narrative Lectionary Reflection (Year One, Week Ten), November 23, 2014
Jeremiah’s call to speak prophetically to God’s people is a tough one, but God puts the words in his mouth and goes with him. Yes, God equips ordinary people like you and like me to speak. When we do so, we can count on God to be sowing seeds of hope and abundance–even when the situation looks hopeless. (Photo: emdot, Creative Commons)
How to Prevent an Identity Crisis
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year A, August 24, 2014
Want to know how to prevent an identity crisis? Take a cue from Peter in this week’s gospel lesson. This lesson applies to 21st century followers of Jesus, too! (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)
Stewarding the Mysteries
Second Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, Year A, March 16, 2014
Yes, we are charged with stewarding the mysteries of faith in a world that seeks ready, quick, and easy answers. Impossible? Thanks to the faithful witness of those who have gone before us, we continue to share the good news and sacred mysteries that defy explanation–and that defy sin and death. Along with Nicodemus, we still sometimes wonder “How can these things be?” (Photo: Punktraum, Creative Commons)
Martin Luther King Jr.: Nobel Acceptance Speech
“I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits.” You’ve heard the dream speech, but now read King’s 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech.
The Ways of Love
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 14, 2013
What do love, fishing, and discipleship have in common? This week’s gospel lesson offers some good answers.
Advent: A Time for Re-Forming
Lectionary Reflection, First Sunday in Advent, Year B
November 27, 2011
This Sunday’s lessons offer many options for fresh approaches to Advent. Now is the time to invite people into a spiritual season of re-formation, contemplation, readiness, and action. (Photo by BLW Photography used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Do You See What I See?
Lectionary Reflection Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 30, 2011 In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. John 14:19 My youngest daughter recently saw a new optometrist for her annual eye exam. She has complained on and off […]
Let us go now to Bethlehem!
CHRISTMAS EVE, Year A, Dec. 24, 2010
Our job is to go to Bethlehem right here, right now, in whatever context we live and serve and tell the story of the Messiah’s birth. To do so, however, we first must plumb the depths of our own heart and allow Luke’s story to fill us with wonder and hope and awe, just like those first century shepherds. (Photo by allegri used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Here, There, and Everywhere
This week John calls us to repent, to turn, to do something new. God is on the loose in the world–here, there, and everywhere. Maybe we should get serious about looking for that kingdom of heaven come near. (Photo by Per Ola Wiberg, used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Stewards of Advent: Wake, Watch, and Wait!
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, Year A, Nov. 28, 2010
Wake up, sleepy Christian! Don’t be lulled into consumer compliance for the holiday season. Be stewards of Advent and celebrate the texts that call us to radical awareness God at work in the world and role in that work. (Photo by Per Ola Wiberg used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)