Simplicity is seeking first the Kingdom of God, Karen Wingate asserts in her Bible study on simple living. In it she looks at a number of topics that point to how Christians can discover simple living as a spiritual discipline.

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Simplicity is seeking first the Kingdom of God, Karen Wingate asserts in her Bible study on simple living. In it she looks at a number of topics that point to how Christians can discover simple living as a spiritual discipline.
Is there a better way to observe the coming of God into the world than engaging in an orgy of shopping and partying? Advent Conspiracy thinks so. It’s a movement to recapture meaning and purpose in the season run amok by consumerism. Check out their free resources.
Let’s face it: Life is very complicated at the moment! From politics to the economy to the environment to health, and on and on, we have a lot on our minds and plates. Author and pastor Richard Foster reflects on Christian simplicity. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)
When it comes to teaching stewardship, actions speak louder than words. Here’s a great article about “good enough” birthday parties that equips parents to model stewardship for their children. Use these tips to avoid party pressure and model/teach a different way to celebrate. (Photo: Jim Pennucchi, Creative Commons)
It’s the age old question: Do you own your things or do your things own you? People who have given away or given up they own actually find themselves feeling free from the baggage of possessions. It’s one teaching on living simply in this article from
Among the most revolutionary actions a person could take in a society like ours is really no action at all. Just stop. Don’t buy any more stuff. Don’t even want to buy stuff. Just be content. A Buddhist’s observations in Utne Reader can teach Christians a lot. (Photo by Leland Francisco, used by Creative Commons […]
Spring is here, and many people put spring cleaning high on their priority list. Along with dusting, washing and vacuuming, why not take the time to sort through your possessions and get rid of the stuff you don’t really need? Lifeway writer Jason Hayes shares his family’s experience. (Photo by Karl Sinfield, used by Creative […]
Some may say simplicity is becoming the new normal–the way we must live to ensure a future for those who will come after us and for our entire planet. Another way to look at simplicity is as a “better” normal, as a way to sustain health, well-being, and community. Click here to Read Duane Elgin’s […]
CHRISTMAS EVE, Year A, Dec. 24, 2010
Our job is to go to Bethlehem right here, right now, in whatever context we live and serve and tell the story of the Messiah’s birth. To do so, however, we first must plumb the depths of our own heart and allow Luke’s story to fill us with wonder and hope and awe, just like those first century shepherds. (Photo by allegri used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)