RCL Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 13, 2020
On Gaudette Sunday not even a global pandemic can steal our joy in the birth of Jesus and all that means. Whether you are meeting in person, in your parking lot, or via Facebook or Zoom for worship this Sunday, don’t miss an opportunity to celebrate joy in a time when more joy is sorely needed.
What Really Matters
RCL Reflection, 5th Sunday in Lent, Year C: April 7, 2019
It’s easy to talk the talk of a 21st century Christian. We live in low-expectation religious culture: toss a few dollars in the plate, show up for worship, and perhaps serve when it’s convenient. This week’s lessons remind us that we are called to countercultural lives of dedication to God. When did discipleship become an add-on, like a side of sweet potato fries with your burger? (Photo: Mike, Creative Commons)
What do you really want from Jesus?
RCL Reflection, 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 25, Year B & Reformation Sunday, October 28, 2018
Will we be bold like Bartimaeus in asking Jesus for what we need? When Jesus does answer our prayer, what is our response? Will we, like the blind beggar, follow Jesus on the way, risking everything for the sake of the gospel? (Photo: Vincent Desjardins, Creative Commons)
Rejoice — Jesus is Coming!
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 17, 2017
This is no Sunday to be a killjoy, no time to “quench the Spirit,” but rather a stellar opportunity to remind one another of this precious good news that we have the privilege of sharing with others. We have seen the light of Christ, and the light has made of us something entirely new. Rejoice and be glad! (Photo: Susanne Nilsson, Creative Commons)
Costly: A Life Poured Out
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year C, March 13, 2016
I’m pretty sure most of us would rather pour costly perfume on Jesus and see ourselves worshiping him extravagantly instead of acting like a greedy, selfish traitor that seems to be Judas’ lot in life. But would we do so when it comes right down to it? Can we break ourselves open in radical discipleship? (Photo: Paul Kussrow, Creative Commons)
Stewards of Advent Time: Witness
Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 14, 2014
Like John the Baptist, we are called to point to Jesus, to share the good news so that others may know him. Witness is not passive. We tell the story of what we have seen, heard, and experienced. (Photo: Paolo Tonin, Creative Commons)
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year C, March 17, 2013
Mary and Judas have a thing or two to teach us about stewardship and trusting in God’s good provision. Which character do you relate to in this strange, short story? (Photo by Wonderlane. Thanks!)