RCL Reflection, Third Sunday in Lent, Year B, March 7, 2021
Idols and false gods are all around us; returning to the Decalogue reminds us of what really matters and that we love and serve a God who loves and desires the best for all of creation. They provide guidance for optimal living, individually and in community. This is good news that we can use and put into everyday practice. (Image: George Bannister, Creative Commons License)
One Body; One Divine Dance
RCL Reflection, 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C, Jan. 27, 2019
We are all gifted for ministry and mission, but we are not meant to live and use our gifts in isolation. We need the church, Christ’s beloved, imperfect Body here on earth. We need each other to build one another up and strengthen each other. Gifts are meant to be given, shared, and used joyously. Join the Divine dance! (Photo: Steve DePolo, Creative Commons)
RCL Reflection, 3rd Sunday in Lent, Year B, March 4, 2018
After all these years, God is still confounding the powerful and privileged with the good news and the scandal of the cross. Jesus is still making room at the table for the marginalized and outcast. The wine is poured and bread is shared in the name of the one who opened his arms to all in the midst of his own agony and horrific death. How will you respond to this countercultural vision of wisdom and strength. (Photo: Creative Commons License)
A Feast of Word and Words
Lectionary Reflection, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, January 27, 2013
This week’s lessons provide many opportunities to feast on the Word of God. One may also reflect on the power of words in our communal life, individual faith development, stewardship, and evangelism. (Photo by Rachel-Esther. Thanks!)