September’s free Stewardship toolkit explores the Priesthood of All Believers and how that blesses all occupations. Newsletter article and weekly bulletin “Snippets.” From SOLI’s Rob Blezard. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)
Called: Expect the unexpected
RCL Reflection for July 7, 2019
Imagine how Jesus’ first and closest disciples must have felt when he sent them out with such bizarre instructions. Like those first 70 called to serve, we too can expect the unexpected when God calls us to love and serve through our various vocations. (Photo: Renee Grayson, Creative Commons)
Called: Your stewardship of vocation
Revised Common Lectionary Reflection for Proper 8 (13), Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 30, 2019
What is your calling? Some of us can answer quite readily with a call to ministry, especially if we’re the ones who stand in the pulpit and who preside at the Lord’s Table. But here’s the thing: We all have a call to follow Jesus, to live by the Spirit, and to walk with God. Our work matters. (Photo: eppytx, Creative Commons)
Work is Overrated, Let’s Cut Ourselves a Break
We American workers have increased our productivity more than 80% since 1973 . . . and we work 10% longer. Since we increased our efficiency by 80%, shouldn’t we be working 80% less, not 10% more? Numerous commentators have opined about how crazy it is that our wages have stagnated while our productivity has soared, but few mention that we also work longer hours. (Photo by 19melissa68, used by Creative Commons License. Thanks!)