September’s free Stewardship toolkit explores the Priesthood of All Believers and how that blesses all occupations. Newsletter article and weekly bulletin “Snippets.” From SOLI’s Rob Blezard. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
September’s free Stewardship toolkit explores the Priesthood of All Believers and how that blesses all occupations. Newsletter article and weekly bulletin “Snippets.” From SOLI’s Rob Blezard. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)
There’s a principle that provides the foundation of biblical stewardship. That’s the topic of the free newsletter article in your free Stewardship Toolkit, which includes RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)
Stewards of life, the environment and health, we can appreciate every mouthful of food. That’s the idea in April’s free stewardship newsletter article, along with RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets. From SOLI. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)
Feb. 14 will present our culture with a clash of messages. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday occur fall on that day. Your free February Stewardship Toolkit suggests a way to observe both. (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)
January’s free stewardship toolkit focuses on stewarding all your gifts to enjoy the life abundant that Jesus promises in John 10:10. Original newsletter article and RCL-based “snippets” for every Sunday bulletin. (Photo: Neil T, Creative Commons)
So few in our culture our farmers, so it’s easy to forget that all food — every bite — comes from a living plant or animal that God created. April’s Toolkit suggests celebrating and thanking God for food!
Keep stewardship before your congregation with the newsletter article and weekly bulletin blurbs that SOLI’s Stewardship Tookit provides. March’s kit looks at stewardship lessons from Ash Wednesday. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)
The May edition of the Stewardship Toolkit explores the wisdom we receive from the mother and father figures in our lives, congregations, and communities. We need it now more than ever! The toolkit consists of a ready-to-use newsletter article and RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets.
Here is your free March 2021 “Stewardship Toolkit,” with an original newsletter article, RCL-based Sunday-bulletin “Snippets” and resources to explore the theme. For Lent we urge God’s people to help their neighbors who are suffering because of the pandemic. (Photo: Tiffany Whitehead, Creative Commons)
How many times a day can you say “thank you” to someone? That’s the theme challenge in November’s Stewardship Toolkit, a communications package offering a newsletter article, Sunday bulletin snippets and resources to explore the theme. By Rob Blezard, SOLI web editor. (Photo: Ken, Creative Commons)