RNS blogger Jana Riess has been thinking lately about what the Bible has to say about money, particularly in the advice-filled Book of Proverbs. What does the Book of Proverbs have to say about money, generosity, and wealth? Quite a bit, actually. (Photo by 401(K) 2012 Used by Creative Commons license)
Slay the Debt Dragon
Is debt dragging your household down? That’s where Cherie Lowe was not long ago, but she and her family got serious and paid off $127,000 of debt in just four years. A blogger (http://www.queenoffree.net/), Cherie offers tips for how you can “Slay the Debt Dragon” in your life. (Photo by Unorthodoxy, used by Creative Commons […]
Christian Stewardship: 7 Tips for Handling Money
To be a good steward you have to recognize your relationship to things that you have. The proper relationship to things is to understand that everything belongs to God and that you have been given them to manage on God’s behalf. Here are some tips to help you put that into practice in the real […]
Six Reasons for Kids to Give Away Money
Why ask kids to give? Shouldn’t they be saving for college? Isn’t that just taking money from their parents? What if they don’t really have any money? These are common responses to the idea that kids should be generous. Truth is, there are good reasons. From ParentFurther. (Photo by Kat, used by Creative Commons license)
Consuming Christmas
Joshua Becker provides some telling statistics about holiday shopping and consumption and suggests alternative ways of approaching Christmas gift-giving and celebrating. How might you use this article to open a discussion in your context? (Photo: c_liecht, Creative Commons)
Teach Kids About Saving, Sharing, Spending
Though our children are saturated in our consumer culture, the US Department of Education reports that only 42 percent of 12th graders are skilled in basic economics. It’s never too early to start teaching our kids about the responsible use of money. This article from Thrivent magazine has some great ideas. (Photo by Richard Wagoner, […]
Spend Less, Give More
Like many Americans, you may be bruised by the nation’s economic problems and less inclined to stick with a giving plan. It can be tough to give when you’re struggling to pay monthly bills. But regardless of your situation, here are some tips that can help jump-start your giving plan, says a writer for Lifeway.com. […]
As We Become Richer, Do We Become Stingier?
As people become wealthier, they tend to think in more individualistic terms and they become less responsive to needs of community, say researchers studying the habits of people in different income groups. One theory? Poor people need to rely on others, and so they weave a tighter social fabric. Fascinating story you an read or listen to.
Pious Materialism: How Americans View Faith and Money
Robert Wuthnow, Andlinger Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton University, wrote this article for The Christian Century a decade ago, but his observations and critique of the failure of American churches and synagogues to address issues of faith and money in a substantive and effective way […]
“Created to Give, Tempted to Keep”
Adam Hamilton, pastor and author, reflects on how we are hardwired by God to be generous but fall prey to the voices of fear and self-gratification. Click here for more. Click here to learn about Hamilton’s book Enough. (Photo: Liz West, Creative Commons)