As Sunday school and youth groups resume for the fall, here is a dynamite Bible study on Malachi 3:10 that offers practical insight into generosity and tithing. From Youth Group Ministries. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Teach congregants how (and why) to tithe
People ask, “How much should I give?” A answer is simply 10 percent of income. Controversial, yes, but it has biblical roots. This thoughtful essay from explains how you can teach congregants about tithing. (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
Should your church tithe its offerings?
We know the Bible invites believers to tithe their income, but how about churches? Tithing their income may be a good way to support the denomination, lead a community effort or fund a special project. It also sets an example! Patheos explores.
‘Should we tithe on gross or net income’
Tithing is a biblical benchmark for faithful giving, but is it a mandate? What if we can’t afford it? And if we tithe, should we tithe on our net or gross? Crown Financial Ministries explores the issue and concludes that there’s flexibility in tithing. (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
March Toolkit: Lenten thoughts about wealth
Lent, the time for self-examination, gives us the perfect opportunity to look at our relationship with money. The March Stewardship Toolkit explores the topic with a newsletter article and Sunday bulletin snippets. (Photo: Bill Hillegas, Creative Commons)
Toolkit explores moving folks to ‘Percentage Giving
Many Christians give a “lump sum” amount in their offering, regardless of their income. This month’s free Stewardship Toolkit explores moving people to ‘Percentage Giving. Plus, weekly bulletin ‘Snippets.’ From SOLI.
Let’s start with tithing and go from there
A Christian economic thinker proposes a tithing-plus scheme whereby wealthier households would give above 10 percent in proportion to their income. Workable? Catholic Moral Theology explores. (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
What does the Bible say about tithing?
“To tithe or not to tithe?” That is the question many Christians ask when they consider how much to contribute to God’s ministries. This article from Westminster Theological Seminary reviews tithing in the Old Testament. (Photo: Woodleywonderworks, Creative Commons )
Why should I tithe? A Bible study on money offerings
We don’t make God richer when we tithe. Rather, it’s we who become richer because our generous giving in the name of God frees us from the negative influence that money has on our lives. This Bible study from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod helps you explore. (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
How to teach God’s people to tithe
If you’re a tithing skeptic, you probably want to skip this. This is for church leaders who believe that giving a minimum of one-tenth of their income to the Lord’s church is a) scriptural, b) necessary to support the work, and c) an essential part of growing in Christlikeness. From (Photo: Woodleywonderworks, Creative Commons)