Stewards of life, the environment and health, we can appreciate every mouthful of food. That’s the idea in April’s free stewardship newsletter article, along with RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets. From SOLI. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Stewards of life, the environment and health, we can appreciate every mouthful of food. That’s the idea in April’s free stewardship newsletter article, along with RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets. From SOLI. (Photo: Dylan Foley, Creative Commons)
More than half of our diet consists of foods that have been industrially processed in some way, and they may be harmful to our health. Listen to this podcast from Scientific American or read the transcript to learn why – and how to avoid them. (Photo: Creative Commons)
From deckside barbecues to seaside clambakes, and from ice-cream cones to smores by the campfire, summer offers us lots of opportunities to overindulge. But by making smart and informed decisions, you can enjoy summer treats without endangering your health, says this article from
IT’S PERSONAL BLOG – As a privileged, yuppie newspaper reporter in the 1980s, I was surprised to learn that the Salvation Army Citadel in my city was offering cooking classes for residents of its poorest neighborhood. I envisioned gourmet lessons a la Martha Stewart or Julia Child. What? Boeuf bourguignon avec champignons for the down […]
‘IT’S PERSONAL’ Blog As America’s percentage of overweight and obese people continues to rise, nutritionists and health care professionals tell us we need to eat better, reducing consumption of fatty and sugary processed foods, and increasing our intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, in Massachusetts and Maine doctors are “prescribing” vegetables for low-income […]