“Fight or flight” is another term for “stress response,” and while it may be useful in emergency, experienced in everyday life it can lead to serious health problems. Harvard Health says simple breathing techniques can help you cope. (Photo: Shawn Rossi, Creative Commons)
Don’t let stress get to you … use these techniques to cope
Stress is a part of being human, and it’s not all bad. Stress motivates us and helps us get things done. But too much stress over too much time can be harmful to our body, mind, and spirit. Web MD offers tips to beat stress. (Photo: Bottled Void, Creative Commons)
Maintain mental health during time of sheltering in place
Covid-19 can produce fear, anxiety and other strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. The Centers for Disease Control has guidance. (Photo: Kenny Uhh, Creative Commons)
Strategies for Stress Management
Next to maybe Christmas (maybe) Lent/Holy Week/Easter is the time that gives church leaders the most anxiwety. So this informative booklet guide on stress and stress management may come in handy! It covers the basics and gives you “52 Proven Stress Relievers.” From the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Make copies for everybody in church! […]
Regular Exercise is Good for Leaders
With so much going on in our churches and culture, pastors and other leaders face more stress and busyness than ever before, and statistics show that we’re less healthy than we used to be. Regular exercise can help, says this article from churchleaders.com. (Photo: Dr. Abdulla Nasar, Creative Commons)
What to do with more time than money? Help yourself to good health!
‘Just Living’ Blog
The way to good health is often simpler than we like to think. Read on for tips and ideas that are inexpensive and accessible for almost everyone.